In my classroom, I am fortunate enough to have an eInstruction Mobi mobile station, along with an LCD projector. Currently, I am using the Mobi in my lectures, and really want to incorporate the Classroom Performance System (CPS). The Mobi does a really good job in letting me navigate the computer from anywhere in my classroom. It also allows me to incoprate highlighting key points, underlining, drawing, etc. over any lecture I am giving. This allows me to point out and emphasize the key points the students need to know.
With incorporating the CPS into my classroom, in need to better understand how and what these devices can do. Below is a list of what capabilities the CPS devices could potentially do:
vClicker™ |
Key Features
- Automatically connects to the instructor's response database, regardless of location.
- Runs on a Mobile Internet Device (MID), laptop, Smartphone, or other portable device with a compatible Internet browser.
- Supports the same question types as CPS™ clickers, including multiple choice, multiple answer, yes/no, true/false, ranking, numeric and short text answers.
- Easily join active sessions from any browser connected to the Internet.
- Secure access prevents non-authorized users from entering response sessions.
- Enables synchronous activities in physical and distance learning environments.
- Includes robust classroom reporting capability with integration via eInstruction's® eI Cornerstone platform for centralized data storage, retrieval, and reporting across any and all classrooms.
I could implement these devices into my classroom anywhere from basic responses to make sure everyone in the classroom understands the concepts, to using the devices for a common assessment. I feel this will better help the students to understand the concepts I want for them to learn, but it will also allow the students to get instant feedback.
Issues that could potentially arise could be the students would really have to learn and be comfortable with using the devices so it will not hinder the scores solely because they didn’t know how to use the devices. Also, if the devices are not working correctly, then there would be some trouble shooting that would have to be done in order to get them working again.
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